Posts Tagged ‘Software’

Morpheus is a velocity sensitive FM sampler with 2-pole multimode filter. User can use any individual wave sample as modulator and other one as carrier signal. It’s concept is very simple but it can produce a wide range of quite unusual dark ambient, noise or industrial atmospheric sounds in the spirit of David Lynch’s Eraserhead. […]

As I have stated recently, there have been an incredible amount of people pouring in from Google searching for information on I-Doser.  My most popular post to date gathers and incredible amount of traffic from these searchers.  As best as I can gather based on keywords, these people want to know general information about the […]

It’s been a while since I last read a good ‘ole warez debate on the forums… Press play! Think of any popular brand in software: Cubase, Reason, FruityLoops, Photoshop, Dreamweaver etc… and you will see a brand that owes at least some of its success, to the “freedom-fighters” of the web – the software crackers. […]

De la Mancha makes VST audio plugins for Windows based hosts. They aim to make original plugins at affordable prices, so your creativity isn’t compromised by your wallet. Here their freeware plugins.

Gnaural is a multi-platform programmable binaural-beat generator, implementing the principle of binaural beats as described in the October 1973 Scientific American article “Auditory Beats in the Brain” (Gerald Oster). There has been considerable research done on the subject since that publication, and WinAural (an early version in the Gnaural lineage) was used as the audio […]